This version simply doesnt work 99% of the time. When it DOES work, its rigged badly. When you reach the point where you start working with dragons, youll be involved in dragon raids. The resources youll lose when you get raided will be many, many times what you can possibly gain by winning a raid of your own. In one raid, I lost 375,000 Silver, 100,000 wood, 95 stone and 96 dragonite, which I STILL Havent been able to replace. Lock boxes are also rigged to nearly always give you the least possible. For example, event token lock boxes nearly always give you 3, which is the bad minimum. In 546 lock boxes opened, I have gotten 6 tokens 4x and 25 tokens once. All the rest gave me 3 tokens. It takes at least SIX tokens to play an event at Bronze level. It takes 25 tokens to play a Platinum event, so you can see how this hamstrings players. You simply cannot get really good equipment unless you spend actual money to buy lots of Gems. Most decent gear costs around 4500 Gems for @ piece. The Gems will cost you about $30.
Save your money and find something else to waste money on.
Gene_Starwind about KingsRoad